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Full Version: A flash at the Gate.( Wednesday 12:11)
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*the gates open with a flash and out steps a man wearing black armor with long bow in hand and a large haversack on his back. He blinks in the daylight and breaths deep*
"Aw I missed the smell of the sea"
Primrose runs out of the tavern with her staff in hand.

"I heard the Gate! I heard the Gate go off where's the Gate?!"

She turns to the source of the flash. She starts screaming.
"Screaming already, just like home"
*smiles and shakes his head*
*Brennus shuffles hurriedly across the field after the screaming begins*
Whats going on!?
*Luna rushes to the screaming her bow and arrow held out ready for a shot.*
Prim stops screaming. She looks looks thrilled, and perhaps a bit drunk.

"It's okay! It's okay!" She slurs, starting to run off towards the gate. She shouts towards Brennus as she leaves. "It's a good thing! It's probably him!"
"Prim?" *Luna walks over to the Hobling, lowering her bow.* "What is going on?"
Prim doesn't answer, though she rounds the corner to see the Gate. She stops running when she confirms who it is.

"You're here!"
"Better late then never"
Prim immediately runs up to the man. She drops her staff and opens her arms for a hug.
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