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Full Version: Shipping out (TS 03/25/15 11:00AM)
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MM/NPL Dustin

Dex can be seen making his way to the docks. He is just wearing his black studded vest and his cutlass is at his side. Slung over his shoulder is a large rucksack. 
*Luna watches from the side, hugging her self.*
*Drakkon is leaning against one of the pylons along the docks with his arms folded over his chest*

MM/NPL Dustin

Dex sees Drakkon and cautiously wanders over to him, "It was good seeing you again, and knowing ye're alive..." He reaches into his bag and draws out two blades, a short thin one and a shining, silver dagger, "Thanks for these, but I figure it's better off ye have them." He offers them to Drakkon with a smirk.
"You will be safe right?" *Luna smiles sadly, as she walks over hugging herself.*
*Pushes off the pylon as Dex approaches and accepts the offered weapons quickly putting them away before extending his hand*

Wherever you are off to, kid, may your journey be fruitful, the ladies friendly and clean, and the wind always fill your sails.
*Rangor, walking by the docks sees the small crowd and heads over*
"Dex - you're heading out? You are going to be missed"
*offers his hand*
*gives a nod to Luna and Drakkon* "how's things?"
*Luna smiles sadly to Ranger, but doesn't speak.*
"I know its sad that Dex is leaving, Luna. But he's gotta follow his own path"

MM/NPL Dustin

Dex first accepts Drakkon's offered hand, "Aye mate, may yours be too. Kill some orcs for me this summa."
He then releases Drakkon's hand and shakes Rangor's hand, "I'm off to where I belong. Take it easy mate! Don't accidentally drink the wrong vial. Oh yes!" Dex reaches into his pocket and hands off a little bag to Rangor, "A parting gift."
He finally turns to Luna and gives her a hug, "Don't be worrying yerself, ye'll worry yerself to death at the rate ye're goin'." He smirks, licks his lip and begins walking down the dock to a waiting gangplank. He then climbs up the plank and a happy grin climbs accross his face as a cool ocean breeze blows throuh him.
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