Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Training day (March 21, 11:15pm)
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*Roland can be seen near town centre setting up an archery target. Once ready he proceeds to fire off some arrows*
"Can I play?" *Luna ask as she walks over to Roland.*

((You forgot date and time stamp))
*Smiling at Luna* "Of course Luna, I'd appreciate the company this morning. I just finished crafting some new silver and iron arrows and wanted to try them out."
-Wizwik comes out of his tent that's close to town center to see what the sound is coming from. After coming out to see that its some Archery practice, he decides to watch but remains in ear shot of those firing-
"I would to keep you company!" *Luna smiles as she takes her bow off her back.* "How do you like your new arrows?"
*Letting loose an arrow* "So far they seem to find their mark so I'm happy with them. How is that cough of yours from the other day? All gone?*

*Roland notices a gnome emerge from his tent*

"Who's the new face? I haven't seen him in town before".
"Thats Wizwik, he's new to the area- a little timid. The poor thing." *Luna tells Roland.* " I am much better, Vali, is a great doctor. The herbs he gave me worked quickly, I guess I was lucky."
-wizwik flinches at the mention of new face- "Hello there, my name be Wizwik and ye be right on the new face part, I just moved to Ralinwood a few days back" -he tips his top-hat to him-
*Nodding his head slightly to the gnome* "Welcome Wizwik it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm fairly new to Ralinwood myself, having only been here a month or two. My name is Roland Mackenzie. What brings you to our settlement if you don't mind me asking?"
*Turning to Luna* " I'm glad to hear your better. I'd hate you to be ill at a time like this with the orcs at our doorstep."

*Taking aim and firing another arrow*

"How's the reading coming along?"
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