*Aminata comes out of the path from StormVale with two large, heavy blankets. She lays them down on the hardened area in front of the tavern, where she proceeds to set down a large bag full of off shapes, and two very large pots of tea. She then settles herself down, covers her lap with another blanket, and pours herself some tea. She pulls out a book and will start reading if not joined.*
-Wizwik comes from the Forest Line of Town Center towards the tavern, he notices the woman setting up the blankets and tea pots- "Top of the afternoon to ye, My name be Wizwik -he tips his top-hat to her-..Sorry if I be interuptin' somethin', just hopin' to get to know the locals more"
*Aminata nods her head at the newcomer, a polite smile on her face*
"A pleasure, Wizik. You may call me Aminata."
"I mean, I'm Aminata. Please, won't you sit for a while?"
*She pulls out a mug from her bag and offers it to the gnome.*
"I am not certain if this is too large for you...?"
Grimnir strides towards Aminata and smiles as he bows his head, "Lady Aminata. Care for the presence of a brutish oaf of a man?"
*Aminata turns to the Einhar, her hand still outstretched to the gnome.*
"Good afternoon, Jarl. If the oaf of a man can handle a mug without spilling too much on my clothing, he is welcome, of course. Feel free to spill on yourself, if you must."
*Smiles wryly, attempting to tease*
"Thank ye kindly Aminata, no worries about the size of the mug, just means we Gnomes get to enjoy more of the drink provided" -Wizwik sits with Aminata but then his attention is put to the Large Einher- "..-gulp-...y..ye must be Grimnir I heard about from Dex...m-my name be Wizwik...dont throw me please..."
After Wizwik sits he accepts the mug from Aminata*
"Why would I throw you?" Grimnir raises an eyebrow as he sits, smirking to Aminata. "I will try not to spill and ruin anything."
He eyes the gnome and chuckles, "So we have a newcomer then."
*Aminata smiles at the gnome and eyes the body spear*