Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Stranger in town ((TS March 10 4:00pm))
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*A large in stature not in height female Orc lumbers into town. There is something very large on her back, but it is concealed by the fur cloak she is wearing. She bends down looking at the ground and then smells the air. She then looks for someone to engage in conversation with*
"Are you looking for someone? " *Luna speaks with gently as she approaches the Orc.*
"There be Orc in this town. Can smell. Have you seen little one, Scared"
"We have a few here." *Nods with a smile.* "Are you friendly?"
*Luna ask softly.* "I don't mean yo be rude- but we have a group of Orcs coming to attack us- I need to know you are safe."
"Cassan teaches to be good, care for all she created. She is the mother of all creation."
"She does." *Luna smiles softly.* "The Cassan Orcs call me Sky-Tree, you can call me that or Luna. Whats your name?:
*Silvie notices the orc across town center. She picks up her book and walks slowly over to the new orc*
"Good afternoon. My name is Silvie, are you a Red Robin orc?"
(To Luna she points) "I call Sky-tree. I skqishzeeier (squishier). *her face lights up* "Cassan orc here?" (turns to new wood fae)"I from red robin clan. How you know?"
*Smiles at Squishier* "I camp with them. My name is Silvie Leafrunner, but you can call me Shinier if you would prefer. I can take you to our camp if you like."
"Shinier better. Looking for little one. Scaredier. He here?"
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