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Full Version: Looking for Primrose (March 9, afternoon)
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*Iris spends some time on Monday afternoon looking around town for a Hobling dressed in red.*
A small Hobling in a red tailcoat is sitting in the tavern by herself. She is writing in a black journal, though has a large, illustrated book laid out in front of her. She appears to be taking notes.
*Doyly trails up after Iris and helps look. He see Primrose shortly and points her out to Iris.

"There she is!"

*Doyly then begins walking up to Primrose waving his hand.

"Hello Prim! How are you?"
-Kare comes from the notice board to the tavern and takes a seat away from everyone-
Prim jolts a bit when she's called out to. She looks up with a shocked expression, though that quickly changes to an embarrassed smile.

"Uh... I'm good?" she says. She laughs a little. "Sorry, you startled me. I didn't think anyone would actually come talk to me regarding hospital things. I mean if that's what you're here about. If not then nevermind."

Prim sets down her pen and relaxes. She gives a crooked smile to Doyly. "But I am good! I'm taking notes on surgical suturing. How are you?"
Iris tries to get a word in with Doyly before he starts waving his hand, but puts on her best friendly face when they go over to Prim.

"Are you sure she's the right one? I mean, I guess how many Hoblings are around here, right?...

Hi! Are you Primrose? I'm Iris. We haven't met, but the Hospital staff tells me you're interested in helping out. I'm not sure how much staff is actually left today, but I'd love to talk to you about it."
*Doyly doesn't both whispering back,, but nodding to Iris as he walks up and sits down.

"I am good thank you! And it's great that you are studding! See?"

*He turns to Iris.

"She is a doctor type person!"
"Iris...tell it to me straight...did you or did you not challenge me to try and run the hospital..."
Iris calls over to where Kare is sitting.

"I said, Kare, that if you thought you could do better, you were welcome to try. That's all."

Iris turns back to Primrose.

"Sorry about that. Kare doesn't think much of the way I've been running the hospital, which is a terrible first impression for me to be making here when I've come to talk to you about the issue."
-Kare walks over to Iris- "Congratulation's you won, this town thinks so little of me that they all shut me down before I could even try" -Kare pats her on the shoulder before walking off-
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