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Full Version: working on her aim ((March 5, 1pm))
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*Luna stands with bow and arrow raised as she aims down the field to the snowman target wearing several arrows in its head. She looks slightly upset as she takes her shot, before walking over to collect her arrows and taking another shot.*
Neomi eyes her, "Are you preparing for trouble friend?" She states, walking towards the woman with more arrows. "Or perhaps letting off steam?"
"Steam." *Luna frowns as she lowers her bow, looking to Neomi.* "I am in a horrible mood today, I thought this would help."
Neomi looks pointedly at the many holes left in the target, "What's the matter dearie? Someone piss you off?"
"Men." *Luna shake her head with a soft grawl.* "They are jerks, confusing bastards all of them."
"Ah, t'is true." Neomi sighed, "Who's head do you wish to be at the end of a spear? A figure of speech of course."
"A few." *Luna smile gently.* "But no one person today, just frustrated today."
Neomi nodded, "Ah yes. T'is why I spent my many years of life not married. Men can be a frustrating force of nature."
"Yes, but girls can just as bad as men." *Luna points out, with a soft tease*
"Indeed." Neomi laughs, "Some words of wisdom for you. Sometimes we allow our expectations of other people get the better of our judgement; so when they fail, it hurts us so. Sometimes we allow our eyes to deceive us. And we give into various judgements of people without actually knowing them. Sometimes the most trustworthy a person, is the most unexpected person."

Shrugging her shoulders Neomi smiled, "Sorry. I just felt that it was something you needed to hear. Master always told me that."
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