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MM/NPL Dustin

Dex wanders out in the open field outside the tavern, looking for the garglyn with the broken horn.

MM/NPL Dustin

(Shit, forgot TS, my bad 03/01/2015 - 22:00)
*Doyly can be found walking around the town with an empty basket in hand. He is looking around on the ground as if looking for some thing.*

MM/NPL Dustin

Dex approaches the garglyn from the side and looks into the basket, "Lookin' for somethin?'" Dex asks him
*Doyly looks up at the approaching Human for a second before looking back down.

"Oh hi Dex! Yeah, I am. Normally I can find some greens to cook around town when it's warmer. I just thought maybe with all that magicy Fae stuff that happened some of them may have grown. Doesn't look like it however..."

*He looks back up to Dex.

"Anyways, how are you?"

MM/NPL Dustin

"Not bad, although rumor has it ye have some blacksmithing skill. Me armor took a few dings when the fae showed up and I was wonderin' if ye could patch it up fer me. I have a side of pelt ye can use to patch it and I'll pay ye a silva." Dex shows him the small animal hide, tanned but still completely ready to use as well as jingling his very diminutive coin purse at him.
*Doyly looks extremely excited and pleased at Dex for asking.

"I haven't really fixed up armour yet! Well. I mean I have fixed up armour during fights. But never where I had a lot of time to work on it! I'd love to! And thanks for giving me supplies to do it! And paying me. That's nice too."

*Doyly smiles.

MM/NPL Dustin

"Not a problem, whenever ye got time to start workin' on it. Just call me ova. I'll be in Muintir." Dex smirks at hip, patting him on the shoulder, "I'll see ye soon, mate." He says, walking his way back to Muintir
"Okay bye Dex!"

*Doyly waves his latest and first client ever away. He then proceeds to look around a bit longer, before heading back to camp.