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Full Version: The Skein gate (TS 9:20 02/25/15)
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* walks up to the Sken Gate. Pulls out book. Look at the stones.* This one... *flash* that one...*flash* last one... *flash. wates for some one to come out to meet*
*Zshlwre approaches him*
Hey Theo, what is wrong with the sky gate?
*smiles* Hello!!! No no. Nothings is wrong. Im just going to talk to some one from the skein.
*Ludwig follows behind Theo waving his stick*

"Vait up mein boy! Zeez legs are naught vhat zhey used to be..."

*He finally hobbles up beside him, hunched over a bit. He smiles to Zshlwre*
* waves* Hello Ludwig my friend.
"Guten tag, mein Schüler. Do not rush ze Skein Vizards. Zeez gatevhays are pinged by Gate magic bursts every day, und zhey still find time to answer each rune-based call. Zhey vill be here in due time"

*He rights himself upright with his staff*