Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Watching for Accalia (TS Feb 23rd 10pm)
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*Aminata walks into town briskly from the direction of the docks. The bottom of her dress is part soggy part frozen, and her hands are wrapped in what appears to be a heavy wool scarf, and wears a heavy sweater under a heavy jacket. She pulls out another woolen scarf from her bag, sets it down on a packed area of snow, and looks like she's thinking about sitting down.*
*walks up to Aminata* HELLO....... *smileing and waving*
*Smiles and waves back at Theo, ignoring her scarf*

"Oh, hello Theo! How were things while I was out for the day? How has the cold been treating you?"

*Smiles wryly*

"What you feel of the cold, anyways."
*Accalia appears by the nearby treeline, absent-mindedly making her way across the clearing. She spots Aminata and Theo, and makes her way over to the two of them*

"Hail Mina, Theo. It's nice to see you, how are you faring?"
*Aminata smiles at Accalia*

"Oh! Yes, there you are! I was hoping to let you know that I was more than willing to share my scrolls with you. You have not taken me up on my offer from before, so I assumed that my message had not been conveyed."
*Accalia lights up, bowing her head respectively*

"That would be wonderful of you Lady Aminata! I would be very grateful. If there is anything you wish of me in return just let me know."