02-22-2015, 10:36 AM
02-22-2015, 03:36 PM
*Hearing Luna's voice, Azalea looks up from her work. She puts down her tools and smiles at her*
"Luna, what brings you here?"
"Luna, what brings you here?"
02-22-2015, 04:08 PM
"Arrows- I found mine to be unless in yesterdays battle- I need something stronger." *Smiles softly, as she pulls out her her arrow and shows Lea.*
((Basic arrow))
((Basic arrow))
02-22-2015, 04:15 PM
*She takes the arrow and frowns slightly*
"Yesterday's battle? I'm afraid I missed it. What kind of arrows do you need?"
"Yesterday's battle? I'm afraid I missed it. What kind of arrows do you need?"
02-22-2015, 04:18 PM
"Silver, I believe." *Luna bites her lip in thought.*
02-22-2015, 07:45 PM
*Roland enters the forge and sees Luna and Azalea*
*Seeing Luna* " Hello Luna! Hope you are fairing and recovering well after yesterdays excitement".
*Turning to Azalea* " Hail Azalea I hope all is well. I had the pleasure of meeting and smiting along side Rolin yesterday during our ordeal with the true fae to end the seemingly endless winter here in Ralinwood. In all the excitement I didn't have the opportunity to ask him about using the forge to help continue my studies and I haven't seen him since yesterday. I was wondering if you'd mind if I might forge some arrows and armor here in the forge, as I find I need to strengthen my armament especially after yesterdays battle".
*Seeing Luna* " Hello Luna! Hope you are fairing and recovering well after yesterdays excitement".
*Turning to Azalea* " Hail Azalea I hope all is well. I had the pleasure of meeting and smiting along side Rolin yesterday during our ordeal with the true fae to end the seemingly endless winter here in Ralinwood. In all the excitement I didn't have the opportunity to ask him about using the forge to help continue my studies and I haven't seen him since yesterday. I was wondering if you'd mind if I might forge some arrows and armor here in the forge, as I find I need to strengthen my armament especially after yesterdays battle".
02-24-2015, 01:17 PM
*She nods and looks thoughtfully at Roland*
"I think Rolin should be back very soon. I think you may be able to, let me ask him."
"I think Rolin should be back very soon. I think you may be able to, let me ask him."
02-24-2015, 02:22 PM
"Thank you. I promise not to get in your way. "
02-26-2015, 03:16 PM
Bjǫrn enters the Forge and looks around. "Not bad," he comments. "Wouldn't suppose anyone knows where the Forgemaster is? I'd like permission to work here, if at all possible."
02-26-2015, 03:17 PM
Bjǫrn enters the Forge and looks around. "Not bad," he comments. "Wouldn't suppose anyone knows where the Forgemaster is? I'd like permission to work here, if at all possible."