Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Curiousity [ Feb 18th, 7:30 am ]
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In the early hours of the morning, Primrose steps out of Sven's tent wrapped in a fur blanket. She rubs her eyes with a yawn, grabs her staff, and then wanders off towards town center.
Roland sits by the fire in town center trying to stay warm in the bitter cold. He can be seen holding a small book as he notices a small figure approaching.
Melody follows out a few minutes after with a big yawn
Primrose wanders up to the human near the fire. She grins and bows her head.

"Good morning," she greets. "Are you busy? I'm new here and simply had a few questions."
Melody follows after Prim her cloak wrapped around her. She looks very sleepy and more or less follows Primrose around.
*An old Mountain Dwarf, face completely eclipsed by his huge black wizard hat, is sitting cross-legged at the fire, on a bench. As Primrose inquires, he lifts his head to reveal an elderly face*

"Vhy hello, mein child. Qvestions, you say?"
Roland nods his head to the Hobling while closing his book.

"Good morning to you as well. I'm just trying to stay warm at the moment so no I'm not extreme busy.I'm fairly new here myself having only arrived a few days ago but I will answer what I can. My name is Roland".
Prim nods at the elderly dwarf and human.

"Nice to meet you both! My name's Primrose Burrows. But yes! Seeing as it's my first day in this settlement I was wondering who the Lords and Ladies of this town are? I was also wondering if there's a hospital here. I'm not hurt! I'm simply a tiny doctor looking for work."
"I have no names for you but I believe this town is run by wealthy merchant lords, however that is only what I have been told by others while i traveled here. As for a hospital I'm afraid I can be no help. While this cold has persisted I've limited my time here between the fire and the forge".
Melody pulls a biscuit from her pouch and begins to eat it.
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