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Full Version: A bear of a man approaches
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A semi-large, bear-like man takes his first steps onto the docks of Ralinwood. He readjusts the straps of his pack and takes in the surroundings. A few words with some of the sailors allows him to find a new destination, the Gilded Dragon, a local tavern favoured by the the men and women that defend the area. He slowly makes the journey towards the Inn, as the surrounding beauty of the quaint community demands his attention. After some time spent talking with the local farmers, he fianlly makes it to the tavern.
-A man wearing a robe with a staff in hand is relaxing by the Tavern when this man come's close- "Hail New-comer, Welcome to Ralinwood. My name is Kare and I'm a Doctor. Anythin' I can help ye with?"
A female gargylen in black studded leather armor is seen sitting with kare. She looks over smiling at the man, sitting quietly. A sketch book sitting in front of her.
Grimnir walks towards the tavern, cloak open against the winter air, hand upon the pommel of his sword as he eyes the newcomer, "Find out if he is dangerous, Kare." The Jarl moves past the small group to the door, "And if he is, yell. I could use testing Mordvig."
*Luna walks in to towards the towns fire, stopping as she notices the group forming.* "Whats going on? Who is dangerous?"
Bjǫrn gave the elf a quick glance, his mood souring slightly. However, the sight of Einher brought some hope that this was not going to be a wasted trip. He took in a lungful of air and smiled. Doubtless there's a greater sensation than the bitter winds of winter. "Bjǫrn Stálblóð," he finally replied to Kare. "Of Clan Conlan." He wasn't sure if his Clan name would mean much this far south, but he hoped the Einish doctor (though looking at him, Bjǫrn realized he was dreadfully short for a Northman) would have some knowledge of the sundered Clan. He figured it best to let people know what his skills were if he were to make this a temporary home.
Bjǫrn gave the elf a quick glance, his mood souring slightly. However, the sight of Einher brought some hope that this was not going to be a wasted trip. He took in a lungful of air and smiled. Doubtless there's a greater sensation than the bitter winds of winter. "Bjǫrn Stálblóð," he finally replied to Kare. "Of Clan Conlan." He wasn't sure if his Clan name would mean much this far south, but he hoped the Einish doctor (though looking at him, Bjǫrn realized he was dreadfully short for a Northman) would have some knowledge of the sundered Clan. He figured it best to let people know what his skills were if he were to make this a temporary home.
*the tavern door is opened and Vali sticks his head out and looks at the new comer* Oi new guy care fer a drink? ((also we have no way to read minds so you don't have to type out your characters thoughts))
"Well welcome Bjorn to Ralinwood, always happy to see another Einher co-...wait...Conlan?...the Smiths of Einish legend clan?" -kare was wide eyed hearing that and looked back to Grimnir- "Grimnir...was what I've heard about Conlan true?"
"Smiths. Mostly wiped out. They're impressive. But not dwarven smiths." Grimnir chuckled as he stepped to be beside Vali. "Welcome to Ralinwood. I am Jarl Grimnir Reiksson. Kare is a doctor in my court. If you require information ask him or seek our my thane, Callum."
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