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Full Version: A Sheen of Frost ((TS: Feb 12 @ sunrise))
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It had been a chilling night, and even those wrapped in multiple furs have felt the bite of winter.  Shelters are difficult to exit this morning as frost has coated their surfaces and sealed the doors with ice.  Overnight, anything left exposed is covered in a fine layer of ice, giving everything the appearance of painted glass.  

Any Einher or Ice Elves will liken this first breath they take of the morning's air to the chillest they remember drawing on the mountains of Mjoll.

In the field there is a circle of melted snow approximately ten feet wide. Spring grass has already begun to peek through the exposed earth.

In the trees can be heard the grinding of stones against one another.  No evidence of a source to the sound can be found.

MM/NPL Dustin

Dex walks through town center cloaked in a thick blanket. He makes a passing comment on his way to the outhouses before heading back to camp, "This sodding winter'll be the death of me."
*Stefan walks about, bundled in a heavy purple coat. He has a purple scarf over his face*

"Vinter Court and ze Betrayer. Jou cause great cold! I am not for standing zis! I vill stop jour freaky bullsheet"

*He grumbles walking about the field*

MM/NPL Dustin

Dex stops when he sees the ranting Aja, "Sick of this cold too there, mate?"
*Runs into the Tavern warpped tightly on a blanket as she tries to escape the freezing cold. She is shivering, her lips almost a blueish.*
*Doyly walks up with a pot filled with snow and a small bundle of firewood. He looks very worried and confused, a look he has gotten used to as of late. He stops by the Human and Aja.

"Has anyone else heard what's going on up in the trees? Or seen the weird melty circle out there in the field? What is going on around here?..."
*Sven walks toward Doyly wrapped in a large fur blanket*

"Zis cold can quite vell sod off"

*he presses his face into the blanket, seeming to warm his hands*
Grimnir walks from Muintir in full regalia, heavy furred cloak tight about his form. His eyes going to the circle and frowning. "That's not normal..." The jarl sighing loudly and moving a hand to his sword.
*Doyly looks at Grimnir and raises an eyebrow.

"Are you... going to fight a circle?"
"No. Just anyone dumb enough to tamper with it that is not a user of the arcane."
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