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Full Version: New Gargylen in town
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A female gargylen 5'2 can be seen walking from the docks. She looks around curiously making her way from the docks and notices a tavern. Slowly making her way over to see if anyone is around, her nerves having her on edge
-Kare who is hanging around at the tavern at the time notices the Female Gargylen and walks over- "Hello Lass, ye seem a bit lost. Can I help ye? me name is Kare, nice ta meet ya"
The gargylen female looks over at the man a bit nerviously as she speak "h...hello..im..new to the island...my names gemma" she said shyly
-kare chuckles- "No need to be afraid lass I aint gona hurt ye, Welcome to Ralinwood Gemma, its nice to meet ya" he extends his hand for a polite handshake
Gemma looked down at kares hand and slowly brings out her own to shake his "its..its nice to meet you" she smiled small looking from thier hands up to kares face
"So Gemma, what brings ye all this way to Ralinwood?" -he says smiling and in a cheery tone-
"well...i heard rumors of Ralinwood having unexplored relics...and...i thought it be...a place to also find out if anyone...well..knows anything about gargylens" she said
"Ey those rumors be true, findin' them be the hard part...or searching them...either way I'm sure ye will find someone here who will help ye. Although Ralinwood be a dangerous place like any other, what skills do ye bring to Ralinwood" -asking politely-
"im a..a blacksmith....and after traveling, ive learned everywhere can be like that"
*from the tavern door Vali shouts* "Ye an't Doyly! Ye be like Doylet!" *has a drink from his flask*
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