Grimnir walks by the tavern, a fully stocked pack on his back along with his shield and Mordvig. He glances around before getting comfortable under the alcove of the building.
"All those wishing to go south on a scouting mission, I am leaving in two bells. I will go alone if I must! This is to gauge the threat of the Orcish mine not far from us!" Yelling as loud as he could and hoping it would carry to most of the adventurers.
(( This will be an email thread, I will need your email when you post you are coming along! ))
*Sitting on top on a table, a familiar blue robed, giant black Wizard hat-wearing Dwarf can be seen, seemingly asleep*
*Vali pops his head out of the tree line and yells back*
"Can't see why I wouldn't want ta head back to that mine we cubed a couple goblins it was great fun!"
*Sven walks out beside Grimnir with a cloak and pack, he nods to Grimnir and waits for him to depart* ((you have my email still right?))
(( I do yup! ))
Grimnir smiles to Vali and Sven, glancing to Ludwig with a laugh. "Well boys, we'll wait a bit longer, but we may be travelling light. A lot of people are not willing to accept war is coming."
( ( my email
"don't worry there grim I always do travel light. Besides If I be remembering right there be some food on the way"
*Ludwig shakes with a start, looking around*
"OH! Oh mein goodness I've done it again"
*He looks at Grimnir*
"Grimnir, mein boy, it is good to see you. Do you require some assistance vith somesing? I zought I heard mention of var?"
*He blinks sleepily*
*Brennus walks from the path too stormvale, a pack on his back. he wears his chain and hold a plain wooden staff*
Well lets go have a look at this thing then.
*Gwen runs up from the direction of Muintir*
Don't forget me! Can't go without your squire *she says with a grin on her face*
Leraime shows up to hear the discussion.
"I suppose I might as well tag along. We are planning to do this quietly right?"