*A cloaked figure approaches town carrying two sacks upon his back. He surveys his surroundings before dropping the two bags to the ground. Pulling out a note book, he once again peers about and makes a few sketches before returning it to his person.*
*Accalia is walking along the tree line, a look of deep concentration on her face. She sighs, looking up for a moment before staring back down at her feet. Suddenly she peers back up, blinking and smiling brightly as her eyes find Rolin across the way. She bounds over to him, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him into a warm hug*
"Rolin! You've returned!"
*Rezznouf hearing the unfamiliar sound of a wild elf commotion comes trotting from the surrounding woods to see Accalia with the newly returned Rolin. She jogs over to the pair with a smile*
"Rolin, you have finally come back. How have you been friend?"
*Azalea follows quickly behind Rezznouf and grins widely, soot smeared across her cheek*
"Rolin! Welcome back!"
Grimnir smiles, "Glad you have returned, Master Smith."
"Rolin it's great to see you." *Vianne walks up joining the others*
*Rolin faintly hears the sound of an approach lookin up just in time to brace himself for impact. He reciprocates the hug and beams.*
"It warms my heart to have such a reception upon my return. Now admit it, you're only glad to see me because the food wasn't getting any better."
*He says with a wink. His gaze travels to the others that have joined.*
"My friends, I am glad to see that all of you are well, and that the cold hasn't overcome. Rezznouf, we have much to discuss there is a storm on the horizon and I think that you might be quite busy in the next while."
*Rolin looks over to Azalea*
"My dear, I don't think I could have asked for a prettier sight for my return, I can see that the forge flourished under your watch. I may just need to take leave more often now that I know that it is under such great care."
*Rolin chuckles as Grimnir joins the group.*
"Luckily I've not spent my time away on whims or flights of fancy, so oddly enough the title you've bestowed me is apt. What of you my friend? What news do you bring me?"
*The musical huming is heard before the actual arrival and he look over with a smile.*
"Vi, please tell me that you have some new songs for me, there will be a fire tonight, and fire, food and music are the things I crave at this point."
-kare comes over to check on the group gathered-
"Is that Rolin!? ROLIN ye old Forge Master welcome back lad!" -kare smiles big and pats his shoulder
"Only sour news of war, my friend." Grimnir shakes his head sadly.
*Azalea chuckles at Rolin and attempts to wipe the soot from her cheek with her sleeve*
"The forge needs a more skilled smith than I to continue running for now. We have a lot of business to discuss."
*The smile slowly begins to fade from her face*
"And there is news among camp that you need to hear..."