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Full Version: A New Arrival ((TS: Jan 9th, 2am))
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Neomi, a High Elf, approaches shivering a little from the chilled air off the water. She walks up a steep hill towards a distinct tavern smell. Although she wasn't aware that people were here? Upon completing half her trip up the hill she sees a fire in the center and walks towards it. She looks confused. She instinctively grabs her weapon and looks around.
*Luna looks over from the fire, as she hears someone approach, placing her tea aside she reaches for her bow.*
"Who is out there?" *She jumps up aiming her bow as she sees the figure approach holding a weapon.*
Alaxel was sitting on a log, tinkering with a few vials, when Luna stood up and got ready to fire. The young woman put down her vials carefully and put her hands down at her hips, unsheathing her daggers and peering into the darkness.
Neomi saw the two women sitting by the fire. Perplexed she sighed and lowered her hand, "Whom may I ask are you? Last time I checked this area was where those escaping from the law hid? Two ladies? Seems like the law has taken a turn for the worst?" She lifted her hand as a peaceful signal. "What's been going on here these past few years? If you don't mind me asking?"
*Luna lowers her bow, but doesn't put it away.*
"I am Luna, I'm new to this area. Who are you? Friend or foe?"
*A High Elf comes walking past the fire, approaching causally from the tavern, just looking in as she passes. As she sees the High Elf she makes a more determined approach.*

"May I help you, my friend? Are you in search of someone?"
Neomi laughs at Luna's remark, "Friend or Foe? I'd like to be a friend rather than a foe, but it concerns whether or not I'm attacked or welcomed."

She looks at the other High Elf who joined the party and she relaxed, "Friend! Great to see you. I'm from Dayten." She lifted her hand to shake, "I am in search of someone, but that is matters that need to be discussed in a less open area. I am Neomi Yves and you are?"
*Luna lowers bow to the ground.*
"There is only four of us here, where else would be less private?"
(Sense aminata)
(Town Fire)

*steps forward, takes off her woolen mitts and shakes the woman's hand firmly.*

"Miss Aminata Gomorrah. A pleasure to meet you. If you'd like I can bring you to the tavern? It should be quiet this time of day."

*looks somewhat blankly at Luna*

"Some people do prefer to keep things quiet... Their business is welcome to remain their own if they do not yet wish to share, despite the good intentions of those asking."
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