Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: A Figure Approaches
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*A unidentifiable, cloaked figure approaches out of the woods. This person looks somewhat weary, having trudged through the snow and fought the harsh wind. They head into town, carrying a large pack, a shield, and a large sword.*
Grimnir eyes the figure, "Hail. Who goes." His hand on his sword and shield strapped to his arm. "I am Grimnir Reiksson, Jarl of the Muintir Einher."
-Kare walks to beside Grimnir- "I'm gona see if the lad be alright" -Kare walks closer to the figure- "Ye alright there? Ye hurt at all? Sick? Cold?"
Grimnir sighs and walks forward as well, layered in full arnour and crimson cloth. "Kare can tend any wounds you have. But we would like to know who you are."
*The figure lowers their hood, revealing a young, female face. She looks somewhat surprised, but nods in respectful acknowledgement.*
"Good evening Jarl, but I was not expecting to run into nobility out here on the edge of the wilderness. Allow me to introduce myself, name is Calidonia Watson. I was but looking for a warm meal and place to sleep during this storm."
"Well lass the Tavern is the place to get a warm meal and a good drink, we can worry about sleeping arrangements later" -turns to Grimnir- "To the Tavern?"
"Aye. I will treat her to a meal and we shall discuss things. To sleep? I will offer you space within my quarters if nothing else can be found."
((Move forum posts over to The Gilded Dragon Tavern?))
Grimnir leads the three to the tavern. Holding open the door. (( Making the thread. ))