Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Wandering near Ralinwood. (Jan 1, 8pm)
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*A young Wild elf walks towards Ralinwood, her bow and arrow, out in front of her as she walks with caution.*


*A bard walking through Ralinwood sees a young wild elf. She seems to be armed and cautiously walks up her bow in defense.* " Hello there. I don't believe we have met before. Can I be of any assistance."
*Rezznouf walks through the tree line watching the new comer with caution for several moments, before ducking under several branches to come closer to where Vianne and the Wild Elf stand. Saying nothing but silent backup for Vianne.*
"I'm in looking for Ralinwood- I was told it was in this direction?" *Looks to the new person unsure, her weapon still raised.*


*Lowers her staff a little. She starts to smile, trying to make the new elf less defensive.* "Well you were sent int he right direction." * She stretches her arm to the camp* "Welcome to Ralinwood. Are you looking for someone specifically by any chance?"
*Lowers her bow slightly.*
"A warm place to stay the night, I can hunt for my keep."
-kare comes from over the tavern to see whats going on- "Hail Vianne, Rezznouf...another new-comer to ralinwood eh, we sure be gettin' many a new people in town these cold months"


"Unfortunately I am still knew to Ralinwood myself. Yet i think the tavern may have a space that you would be able to take some refuge. Hail Kare and Rezz." *Looks over to Kare and Rezz for reassurance*
*Rezz smiles seeing the newcomer lower the weapon, well moving closer* "Yes, Vianne is correct, the tavern would be the best bet at this point. We do not have an inn being as small as we are."
"She lookin' for a place to stay? Well if she has a tent she can camp over near the trees beside the Tavern, after ye get set up, the tavern can keep ya warm. If ya like huntin' with another to watch yer back I know just the man to keep ya company"
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