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*Brennus walks toward the tavern from stormvale, looking around if he does not see anyone he heads directly to the tavern*
Grimnir catches eye of Brennus, hand going to his weapon and smiling, "You need a hand, Old ally?"
*brennus grins and heads over to grimnir*
not quite yet but you were one of the people i was most interested in finding. i've gotten a bit of information concerning that orc encampment. specifically ways we can start taking the offensive to the orcs during the cold months.
"You have my interest. I will send a runner for my Thane." Grimnir glancing about before shrugging. "Callum! Get your arse over here!" Bellowing as loud as he can. "Anyone else we need?"
Alaxel walks walking out of the Tavern, tearing at a strip of dried meat. Her hood is over her head, a gold mask is on her face today, which she adjusts distractedly after it slips a bit off her face.
"Alaxel. You dislike orcs. I need your insight." Grimnir waving over the small human before glancing to brennus. "Will this chat help me mobilize a military action? "
Alaxel jerked her head at Grimnir's beacons. "Oi! I do not dislike Orcs at all, just the ones that bring poor business." She offers a lopsided grin, slips her gold mask off and replaces it with a purple halfmask that cascades vertically down her face, covering one eye and cheek almost like an eyepatch.
vidar and drakkon spring to mind of people i can't find in my camp
and as for the military action, i certainly hope so.
Callum approaches the group from the direction of Muintir, He walks up along side Grimnir and says "Ye called Grimnir?"
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