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Full Version: *Dropping the sign*
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*Rolin begins to setup his smithy towards the town side of murder alley. He stakes a sign of tongs and hammers. He looks to his apprentice as he takes the final swing.*
*Azalea nods in approval, smiling*

"It's a little crooked. You have to reset it."
*Cali emerges from the shadows of the alley, approaching Rolin and Azalea with a curious quirk in her lips and a slight frown marring her features*

"What is that you're hammering into the earth?"
"A sign for our new smithy, Iron Forge."
*Rolin cocks his head to the side slightly, look at the sign. Grumbling under his breath he takes it out again and makes an adjustment before hammering it finally into the ground.*
"There, now we just need to move the equipment."


Vianne walks up behind Azalea glancing over to the sign. She looks from the sign to Accalia with a questioning look.
*Cali sighs, crossing her arms and leaning against the trunk of a nearby tree*

"Of course, of course."

*She pauses, tilting her head with narrowed eyes and a disapproving gaze*

"Do you have to hammer it into the ground that way?"
*Azalea squints her eyes at Cali*

"If we wish to survive financially, then yes, yes we do."


Vianne can't help but to look from Cali to Azalea and smile.
*Cali raises an eyebrow at Azalea, a small smirk playing on her lips*

"Is that so?"
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