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Full Version: Chilly Sunlight ((TS: Nov 30 @ 11am))
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Alastair approaches town center fully attired from the direction of Miuntir, appearing to have a headache as he squints in the light of the rare sunny day during these colder days of autumn. He finds himself a chair and positions it in the field, taking a seat and kicking out his legs. He sighs and leans his head back, closing his eyes to the sun as it begins to warm him.
*Gigoliath follows shortly behind him, and stands to the side of Alastair*
-Kare comes from Muintir after a good nights sleep and makes his way to the town center, seeing Alastair and Gigoliath he makes his way over- "Hail lads, good ta see ya this fine day" -Kare says with a smile-
*Brennus walks toward the group slowly, leaning on his staff and squinting furiously*
Kare! is that a big yellow fellow you're talking too?
"I assume you aren't referring to me," Alastair murmurs, opening his eyes and confirming his guess when he sees Gigoliath. "Gigo, have anything to cure the ails you caused me last night with your... refreshments?" he asks with a small, pained chuckle.

He glances at the figure casually before peering up at Kare. "Who's he? Haven't seen him about."
*He clears his throat with a guffaw*

"Dat should have worn off wit time, and dey weren't my refreshmants"
*He sets his maul head first against the ground, holding it upright. He nods at Kare, before noticing Brennus*
*Vidar exits his cabin. Noticing Alistair, he approaches*

Oi. Rough night with the Misses? Or had too much to drink while on you... vacation?
*Silvie approaches from the direction of the skein gate. A piece of tinsel is still caught around one of her coat buttons. Stepping out of the trees she squints up at the sun, then heads over to the small group. When she gets closer she yawns then speaks* "Good morning everyone! How are you all this morning?"
"...Brennus thats just rude, Gigoliath here -referring to the Oger in a polite hand gesture- has been an amazing help to Ralinwood in just the few short days he's been here...so show the man some deserved respect" -Kare doesnt speak in anger, just casually- "I bet if ya talk to Rangor, our camp Alchemist, he could probably make ya up somethin' to cure that hangover...fuk now that would be a great thing to sell at any tavern after a great night drinkin"
"It's true, mr. Gigoliath was a great help with many of the creatures bothering us yestarday. Although I must admit he also made a fearsome ice puppet!" *gets an unhappy look on her face and turns to Gigo and gives a small bow* "Ah, I am sorry for using magic on you yesterday."
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