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Full Version: Da Brew Master (November 25, 7:00 pm)
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*The old Skein Gate flashes to life for a moment as an Ogre steps through it. He is heavily armored, visible under his brown fleece cloak, and is wearing a leather crown-like helmet with dreadlocks going down one side. He seems smaller than the average size of one of his kin. An orange cloth is tied around the right shoulder of his plate cuirass breastplate, and a giant maul with what looks to be a mead-keg for a head is carried over one shoulder. In his other hand, he is clutching a large burlap sack*

"Interestin'! Very intestin'. Dis' gate travel ting be quite handy"
*He lumbers toward town centre with a jovial grin upon his tusked-face*
-Kare doing some meditating when the gate flashes to life, he gets up to check it out to see the Oger-

"Hello, My name is Kare Rosner, what brings you to Ralinwood?" he says friendly
*He laughs robustly and lumbers over*

"Well, whatta kind welcome, Mistah Rosna. I be' Gigoliath de' Solid, Brew Masta of de' Kraja. I be comin' dis way from de' town'a Jericho"
"Brew Master? I heard about a brew master from jerico...shoot I cant remember his name...he was a protections caster...Fighter of Hope...regardless, Welcome to Ralinwood, Since you told me your profession only fair I do the same. I am a Physician, if you feel ill or become injured I will do my best to make you better, free of charge. What brings you this way to Ralinwood?" -again in a happy/causal tone-
"Ohohahahaha! Dat be my friend, Aldos. Him not quite what I be callin' a Brew Masta just yet, but he's a fine young lad"

*He pauses scratching his beard*
"Well, I be tinkin' to myself, dat the joys of booze be havin' no love lost here. From one islanda to anudda, I be tinkin' dat I should come visit, and bring forth some o' ma signature drinks, ya? Ha HA!"

*He begins walking towards the town centre waving to Kare*
"Come, come, come! Let us see who else be awake! I be needin' ta find someone capable o' identifying a ting too, if you be knowin' anyone, Mistah Rosna"
-Kare catches up to Gigoliath "Sorry I meant to say I heard about a Brew Master from Aldos, not that he is one...If from what Aldos did last time, you need Alchemists? If so I know one who helped Aldos when he was here. Just saying though I am a bit of a light drinker...what did Aldos say to compare....'If you can take a Maul to the face'...and I said I couldn't" -Kare chuckles-
*He pats the handle of his maul*

"My reputatian be preceedin' me den, ohohahaha! I got boozes for all kinds, Kare, dontchu be worryin' bout dat"
*He looks around*

"So what is dis place like? You got any Lord a' Ladies rulin' ovah?"
"Ralinwood is a place like most others, has is problems and its benefits. Its recently been found so there is lots of untapped potential to this place. We have one lord, one lady, and another lord that is being assigned. There is three rulers, I'm horrible with names but they have a color to go by. Im not much for politics but they have a place in which they stay you can check out" -Kare said pointing off to where they were- "Just a warning to the wise, people of Ralinwood have got in their mind that Jerico people are bad news, Aldos was the only one who proved to be a good person, One out of Three is not good odds. So if people tend to be a bit hesitant towards you, you know why. I for one judge by actions they make seen by my own eyes" -Kare says with a smile-
*He raises an eyebrow*
"Jericho be havin' her share o' characters, ta be sure, but bad news? People be committin' crimes here an' ting? Dis' be strange news for dis' Kraja. Strange, but not impossibal."

*He pauses*
"I don't be meanin' ta bother you, mon.. but would you be willin' ta take dis' Kraja to see the nobals? I fear my Greenskin featyas be unpleasant by itself. Don't want swords an' spears at my neck if I just be goin' ta visit, ohohahaha!"
"Well...ok maybe not Bad News...but they have reason not to be so trusting as I am. Its not a bother really, I'm sure they would be delighted to meet a Master Brewer like yourself. Plus if we are friends I can vouch for you, we've had it though were people without citizenship have done ill wrong against people with citizenship, and it ended in the man falling death twice before my eyes. He is alive once more but I wish not to see this same act befall someone else who did not deserve it." -Kare starts walking towards the place the lord and lady stay-
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