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Full Version: Washed Ashore (11/18/14)
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MM/NPL Dustin

A soaking-wet man wanders slowly into town. He wears a dark coloured cloak under studded leather armor and has an axe hung at his waist. Although armed, he doesn't appear to be a threat currently, as he is holding his right arm with his left and walking with a limp. His left eye is swollen to a squint and he has a couple gashes on his face. On top of all that, he is drenched from head to toe in seawater and panting heavily.
"O...Oi-?!" He shouts weakly, "Any...anybody th-there?"
-Kare notices the man walking into town after coming back from his Hunt with Vidar- "Sheit!" -Kare runs over to him- "The fuk happen to you lad!? Im a Doctor let me check and clean yer wounds" -Anatomy check on how many body Dex is down-

MM/NPL Dustin

(Dex is down 5 body)
"N-no shite?" He gasps heavily, "I g-guess this is moy lucky day." He continues to walk with a limp, "I-Is there... somewhere I c-con sit mate? M-maybe warm meself?"
"Shiet you took a real kick, but yer gona be fine lad I'll bandage ya up in a bit. Lets get you into the into the Tavern and I'll get ya somethin' warm to drink. We need to get you out of those wet cloths or yer gona freeze to death out in this cold."

-Kare leads Dex into the Tavern and orders a warm drink for him, helps him get out of the wet cloths on and hangs them over the seats inside, it takes Kare 3 minutes to bandage Dex up 6 body-

"There ya go lad, good as new...My name is Kare Rosner, part of the hospital...here lad drink up" -sets the warm drink in his hands-

MM/NPL Dustin

"Thanks mate!" Dex replies, taking the drink gratefully, "Name's Dex, Dexter if you're fancy. I'm a privateer. I figure I fell off the ship offshore. Guess I'm right lucky you were around when I wandered into town."
(Do you want to start a thread in the tavern for continuity sake?)
(Sure that would probably be best)

(for those who wish to follow this thread its now over in the Tavern)