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Full Version: Full Moon Patrol (TS Nov 6th 9pm)
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*Aminata, armed with her silver arrows and a silver staff, paces about near the tavern. She's dressed in a warm button-up sweater over a heavy wool dress, without her usual cloak*

*She will approach Grimnir if she sees him walk by*
Grimnir walks over. "Patrol time?"
*Aminata walks over and nods*

"If you're ready. I'll take you on our usual route, though I assume that most of them are hidden away as necessary."
"Always." He hefts his shield and pats his blades.
"Want me with ya this time around?" -Kare says overhearing-
*Aminata shrugs*

"There's strength in numbers."
"Then count me in" he said smiling
*Coming out of the tavern a figure emerges stating.*
"Don't forget to take a smith along for good measure."
*Rolin walks over to the group nods to each in turn.*
*Aminata looks at Rolin a little curiously*

"We're mostly patrolling the surrounding areas to keep them at bay and away from livestock. You're welcome to help where you can. But keep up."
*Rolin chuckles and shakes his head.*
"Keeping up is not a problem, I am not weighted down by much so I am nimble. I have pledged myself to the defense of the farmers, perhaps on a more constructed basis, but If I can help in the patrols, you all have my smithing skills at the ready."
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