*Ellewen can be seen dragging her tent, sleeping covers and chair down the assassin alley. There is much grumbling and pauses but she manages to get in into the town center tavern area. She pauses looks around. Counts out some more steps. Looks in her note book. Decides a place and plops down her tent. She then sets everything up inside*
*Shadolas follows behind Ellewen with his belongings. He pauses momentarily at the entrance of the alley. He watches Ellewen continue along and then veers off towards the treeline behind the tavern. Once he reaches the treeline he starts to set up his tent*
*Accalia can be seen trailing after her brother carrying a random assortment of belongings and equipment. She fumbles and blushes after tripping herself with her own two feet, but regains her composure and continues on her way*
Grimnir eyes them all with a smile, leaning against a tree in the shade, "Getting ready?"
*Rolin emerges from assassins alley, grumbling about leaving his smithy. He appears to be dragging a few things, although much more unencumbered than the rest. He turns to take the same path as Shadolas and Accalia.*
"Speaking of balistas..."
*He says under his breath.*
*Willow appears in the entrance of the alley just behind Rolin. She's carrying a large bag and aiding Rolin with some of his belongings*
*Accalia looks up at Grimnir with a determined expression down turning the tips of her lips*
"As ready as we can, I suppose."
*At Rolin's mutterings she scoffs and shakes her head*
"You and your bloody balistas! If you spent half as much time building the thing as you do talking about it, we would have enough to fill the entire field with balistas."
*She smirks and winks at him*
*Sven pops his head out from behind yhe tree Grimnir is sitting under and rubs the sleep from his eyes*
"Oversized crossbow?"
*Cali peers over at Sven, a slight smile on her face as she nods*
"I believe that is the way Rolin explained it to me, though I have never seen one myself."
*Sven yawns and nods and Cali*
"Zen i am wishing you zee best of luck"