*as the gates lights die down, Sven steps through and surveys his surroundings, he breaths in the familiar air, smiling to himself as he makes his way to the tavern.*
-Kare was already sitting inside the bar and looks to see who has come in, his eyes go wide- "SVEN!!! fuking shiet ya took yer sweet time getting back!" goes to him and greets him with a bro-hug
*Sven smiles widely and accepts the hug*
"Hello my friend it is great to be seeing you!"
"You had all of Muintir worried about your trouble attractin' arse for not comin' back when ya were suppose to. You better have one hell of a story for why ya be late" Kare says glowing with happiness
*he smiles* "Zat i do my friend, but i am not so easily killed!"
"HAH I told the others that...that or ya found a very sexy woman and that kept ya from comin back" *laughs*
*He looks at the darkening sky and smiles* "something like zat"
"How about ya tell me over a drink, come, first round is on me" -Kare motions Sven to sit at the bar with him-
*he nods and follows kare*
-kare sits down at the bar and orders two glasses of good ale- "I dont know what ya be blessed with lad, but I thought the sun shined a bit brighter today, guess it was its way of saying ya be comin' home"