Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Counting (TS 10/17 noon)
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*Ellewen can be seen walking from Stormvale to the tavern. She appears to be counting her steps, then walks to the dragon ward, then to the nobles pavilion. Everytime she reaches a place she takes note of something in her note book*
Grimnir raises an eyebrow, a shield slung over his shoulder with a leather strap, "Do I want to know?"
Iris is poking around in the forest nearby, apparently looking for something.

"I do! I want to know! Whatcha doin', Ellewen?"
Van can be seen in the tavern with a book in his hands
"Is something wrong Guild Mistress?"
Gwen walks up behind Grimnir, stares at Eleewen, tilts her head quizzically and asks Grimnir in a loud whisper
"What is she doing?"
*Shadolas approaches from Storm Vale and addresses Ellewen*

"Elle, you're being strange....again"

*Shadolas winks at Ellewen*
*Elle looks up when Shadolas speaks to her. She was not ignoring the others she seemed to be off in her own little world. She notices everyone looking at her*

Oh.. wow... I seem to have drawn an audience. *pauses looks at notebook and then back at everyone* Well I am take as much information as I can about the lay of the land. Who is all here. How many each camp have. Just as in case measure. I do not want to see us lose anyone because we did not know they were still here in Ralinwood.

*lets out a bit of a sigh*

And given that many have not heeded my suggestions of camping here near the tavern I'd like to have a general idea of whom may be calling out for aid.
"You mean you want to make a census or something?"
Well I had started one before. I still have it. I just want to have an idea of who is where with all the dangers we will be facing these coming days I would like to be prepared.

Actually - Iris where will you be camping? Will you be in your camp or will you be out here in the town center area near the tavern?
"Emerald Camp is renting one of the cabins the nobles had built, so we'll be nearby if anything happens. In a worst case situation, the cabin will be a defensible location that we can use as a hospital space to do triage, but I'm hoping it won't come to that."
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