*Coming up the path from the direction of the docks, a Dwarf with an incredibly large hat can be seen. He walks with a slow and labored gait, using his staff to steady himself. As he crests the entrance of town center, a heavily Dwarvish song can be heard being sung*
"... Hier kommt die Sonnnnnne, sie ist der hellste Stern von allen, und wird nie vom Himmel fallen"
*As he continues to sing, he ambles about slowly*
Ash runs up towards him and stops directly in front of him. She waves quickly at him and then puts her hands behind her back and gives him a large smile.
"Hi! I'm Ash! Who are you?"
She looks at his hat closely and starts to flick it with her finger, her smile changing to a look of awe.
"So cool...."
Callum carefully approaches the new comer carefully. Standing some distance back he calls out "Hail traveler, what brings ye to.." Callum chuckles "Our lovely town".
Grimnir lounges against a nearby tree, staring in the direction of the docks, "Well, that's an odd sight."
*As Ash flicks his hat he stops abruptly and ceases singing. He lifts the brim of his hat with the tip of his staff revealing a tired Dwarven face with a warm smile*
"Oooh! Oh my. It seems I vas lost in thought again"
*He looks to Ash and tilts back the brim of his hat a bit*
"A pleasure to meet to meet you fräulein Ash. Mein name is Ludwig. I vas told by ze dockmen that zis vas ze closest settlement, and ooo! It seems ze ver right. Wunderbar!"
*he gives a wave to Callum*
"Oh! Guten tag, mein boy. Such a colorful collection of character in zis place"
*After a moment he stretches and hunches forward, exhaling*
"Vould anyone be so kind as to help zis old Dwarf to a seat? I sink I spy a tavern over zere. Need to rest mein bones"
"Oh me me!"
She takes his hand and jumps excitedly before leaving him to the Tavern as quickly as possible.
"So where did you come from? And where did you get that great hat!"
*Sven comes out of the bushes with his bow in one hand and a bloody sack slung over his shoulder, he waves at the people gathered but stops to look at the dwarf*
"Ash...who is zis?"
*He smiles as he struggles to keep pace, stumbling a bit while chuckling*
"Easy zere little Fae! Ohoho"
*He collapses onto a seat at the tavern and smiles up at Ash*
"Thank you, mein dear. Now zen, ze knowledge you seek. I come from the mountain regions of Gerdain, far to the north of here"
*He taps the brim of his hat*
"And zis I sewed myself. Helps to keep ze distractions away ven I need some privacy from ze vorld. Also good for keeping ze sun off, ohoho!"
*He chuckles*
Ash claps happily.
"Can you make me one?! It's so cool!"
Upon seeing Sven she runs over and hugs him firm ly around the waist.
"Hi Sven! This is my new dwarf friend! His name is Ludwig!"