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Full Version: the pointy ears stuff (19/09/10am)
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*Sven can be seen walking around looking for Caranthirs stuff, occasionally yelling if anyone has anything of his that they should return it to him for Sven intends to go to Jericho*
Iris calls out from the tavern when she hears Sven yelling.

"You want to do what? That's crazy! That place is full of blood-sucking demons and flesh-eating monsters! Why would you ever want to go there?"
*Sven yells back in a very nonchalant tone*

"He returned my knife! I am owing him the same kindness!"
"Just don't get yourself killed, okay?"
"I am not intending to my friend!" *he calls from over his shoulder as he continues walking*
*brennus walks toward sven his arms full.*
Sven! One of the new lads in camp found this and figured himself pretty lucky.
*he spreads ut a black scale mail vest*
But I recognized the work immediately. He must have picked up off the same spot I found his pelt pouch and book. Would you see to it he gets it? (52 points of plate there log knows about the tags already) when are you going? We were going to send it through as a parcel with a skein magus
*walks up to Sven with a big smile*hey Sven. Would you take a letter back to my famly?
*Sven takes the plate with a wide grin*
"Thank you Brennus! Ill be sure to get it to him! And i am leaving within the next few days winds permitted!"
*he pats the older man*
"Remind me to be buying you a drink sometime"

*looks to Theo and hugs him*
"Sure my friend!"
*brennus looks at sven curiously*
Winds? You aren't planning a voyage by land and sea are you?
*looks to Brennus with a smile*
"It is an expression from where i used to live, ze winds of life and what not"
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