*Over at the docks, a cloaked Einish man walks off a ship. He nods to the crewmen as he leaves. As he walks up the docks towards town, he adjusts the bow and quiver on his back. He observes his surroundings as he walks*
Estelle is at the docks, she is talking to someone, they exchange parcells and then the person heads back onto the ship. She turns and looks at all those who have got off the dock. She doesn't speak or approach them, but instead pockets the parcel.
*Shadolas approaches from the direction of Storm Vale with his long swords drawn. He looks uneasily at the Einher and keeps his distance.*
*As Vidar walks closer to Estelle, he gives her a nod*
Evening. Could you direct me to the local tavern?
Grimnir raised an eyebrow as he finished his dealings with a man at the docks, not speaking but rather moving to sit at the end of the dock and dangle a hook and line into the water while he hummed.
Estelle nods. "I can take you there, I pass by it on the way back to camp." She says.
Please, lead the way.
She nods and begins to walk towards town.
*he looks around as they walk. His gaze almost always fixated towards the forest*
"Are you looking for someone?" She asks.