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Full Version: A pyre at Dawn (TS Sept 18th sunrise)
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*Aminata is seen gathering a very large amount of wood in the space in front of the line of trees across from the tavern. She arrives before the sunrise and continues gathering wood for a few hours.*
Callum approaches Aminata as she gathers wood. "Would ye like a hand gathering?"
*Nods and drops her armful of wood*

"Yes please. I want this to be as big as we can make it. It's been long enough it's time to put Uther to rest. I'm just getting this prepared."
*Sassle is skipping down the road*

"Hello Lady Aminata, hello Callum!What is all the wood for?"
"Uthers Pyre lad" Callum replies to Sassle as he gathers as much lumber as his arms may carry.
*Sassle tilts his head*

"Who is Uther sending off? Did he lose someone close?"
Ash appraoches the group with a sad expression and her head down. She shuffles along until she reaches Callum and flopes her head sideways, resting it on his arm.
Grimnir comes out of the forest, a skid of wood dragging behind him. "Where would you like the wood, Ms. Aminata?" Looking weary but deadset on his task.
Callum puts an arm around ash and offers her his cloak. "Uther left us for the gods Sassle, this be his sending off"
*Aminata smiles at Grimnir*

"We should likely start building the thing. Do you mind? I'm not as strong as I like to think."
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