Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Kneeling before his sword ( 7:30 pm Sept/19 )
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Grimnir can be seen in the field, sword buried in the ground.

"Lord Heimdall look down upon me. Guide me under your vision. Lead me to your objectives and allow me to work in your name. Grant me your patience and forsight. Teach me how I may prove that I walk a true path now. Show me that i may shed the darkness and embrace the light."
*walks by heading to the tavern sighs heavily and mutters something about einher and flies *
Grimnir rises, pulling his sword from the earth and lifting it in salute to the sky. "Hail Heimdall! The watcher and the vigilant god!" Only after finishing his shout to the sky does he clean the blade and sheath it at his hip.