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Full Version: Gathering for the Burial ( Sept/15 5:00pm)
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(( Dated for time when this would be occurring. All interested parties please post an e-mail address. ))

Grimnir would be seen walking from his tent with a bag of materials used to start pyres and his sword slung over his shoulder. Taking a deep breath before letting out a loud yell.

"Heading off soon for anyone coming to help me send the bodies of those poor men off to their gods!"
*Shadolas walks from the direction of Storm Vale*

"Grimnir, I'd like to help with the burial. That hunting cabin was the most horrific act of savagery I have ever witnessed. I am glad you have arranged proper death rites for them. Have you gathered the bodies yet?"

Iris approaches Grimnir.

"Hey, while it's all fine and good that you're going to go burn those bodies, I need to check in on the survivor. Where's your friend who locked the door?"
Callum approaches the gathering. "If it be alright, I'd like to join ye in sending the departed onwards". ((jake.ruble@hotmail.com))
*Comes running from around a corner*

"Scheizen putta, I hope I'm not late for the burial."

*Levi also approaches the group.*

"Though one of those men betrayed me for his own ends, the rest of those hunters helped us track down the brood, and hopefully put enough of a dent in their numbers to keep us safe after the thaw next year. It is in no small part thanks to their skills that we still sleep soundly. We'll build them a fitting pyre. Who was it that locked him into that cabin? If they are not found, I'll have Leon break the hinges and open the door."
"I do not know her name, only that she volunteered to help. We shall depart, this should be enough to handle this simple need. I will assist you in checking on him and breaking into the cabin if need requires it."

Grimnir turning and walking towards where the cabin lays.

( E-mails inc )
*Ellewen walks over to Shadolas and Grimnir*

I will come to pay my respects. No one should have to leave this earth in the way those did.

*Looks to Grimnir* This is an extremely honorable thing you are doing here to put these people to rest properly.