Iris and Red can be seen wandering through Ralinwood, protected from the rain by a pair of heavy cloaks. Iris is pointing things out to the other woman, and being very careful not to come into direct contact with her.
"… And that's where Myra, my old mentor, did a surgery once to get some Murker bits that would save some farmers or sailors or something."
Estelle looks at Iris, "Was she a good mentor? And what is a Murker?"
"She was, she knew a lot… until she got called away from Ralinwood. I'm not really sure where she went.
A Murker is a weird fish-person. There used to be a lot more of them around here than there are now. They came out of the sea and tried to eat us! I told my friend Cookie we should cut off their legs and try to eat THEM, but that didn't work out."
Estelle nods. "Mistress and I are used to having to change our living situation at a moments notice. Sometimes there isn't time to explain to those around." She offers.
"Fish-person?" She tilts her head. "I wonder how they would taste."
"Might be good with some lemon!
I assume you know where all the camps are, so… maybe we'd better talk about places to avoid."
"I have yet to visit any other of the camps asides from Storm Vale and Emerald company." She explains. "Avoid? Are there trespassing laws?"
"Well, we'll have to introduce you to Camp Einher, too, or however they pronounce it, and show you where the town fire is… Also Dawn's Reach, I guess. I think they're technically still a camp.
But it's also important to not to go anywhere alone. There are Brood in the woods and Murkers in the water, and that's just the start!"
*Moon is jumping and splashing in some puddles nearby. When he see's the ladies he comes over soaking wet* "Hiii! Whatcha doin? Can I come?"
"Hi Moon! We're going on an adventure around Ralinwood to show Red around. Sure you can come. Is there anywhere in particular you'd like to adventure to?"
Estelle nods. "I will keep that in mind. I have met a few Einish that live here, they aren't exactly fond of my position." She then looks at the Kobold. "If you would like to." She says with a smile.