Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: A flash at the gate. TS Sunday 7th 12:30am
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There is a flash at the gate and a very tall high elf steps out of the skein gate he has a couple of large backpacks on his back and a waterskiing at his hip. He looks around not exactly sure where to go next.
*walks up to height elf* hi
Estelle is walking past the gate when this happens. She eyes the gate cautiously as well as the elf.
*waves hello to the risen* hello there. This is ralinwood?
*Ludvic walks up*

"Yes it is! Welcome! I'm the town crier. What brings you to visit?"
Callum leaning on a tree near by, when he sees the high elf he sends out a greeting. "Greetings lad, Ye seem to be carrying alot of traveling supplies. Ye be a merchant?"
Ash walks by holding her dress full of snails. When she notices the High elf she stops mid stride and tunrs on her heel towards him. She looks up and stares at him, her eyes and mouth wide open in awe.

"So.... tall!"
Sorry about the early arrival there were some things happening in Jericho I'd rather not deal with. I heard about this place so I decided to come for a vacation. *he looks to the einher with a smile on his face.* I did bring some things to trade and if my time here goes well I have plenty of things you can order.

*he laughs at the wood faes reaction and looks down at her mimicking her*

Sooo smalll
She makes a pouting face and looks down at her feet.

"I'm not small! ... okay maybe a little "
It's okay your pretty cute *he laughs again and looks at those people around* so is there a tavern or Inn type of situation? In my haste I didn't exactly bring supplies for sleeping.
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