09-09-2014, 03:10 PM
*Ludvic walks town proper with the following message.*
"Hear ye! Hear ye!
There is to be a staff meeting for the Lord Vintner Hospital of Ralinwood this Saturday morning (September 13) at noon, in the covered area outside the tavern. The state of the hospital and any new developments since July shall be discussed, and refreshments shall be made available to the staff in attendance.
Please speak with Head Physician Iris, Chief Healing Mage Sevatar, or Head of the Hospital Guard Doyly to confirm your attendance. If you are one of these people and cannot attend the meeting, please speak to Iris.
Cried for
Iris Emberlain
Head Physician
I'm also told there will be story time in the afternoon by Muninn the merciful. More to come!"
"Hear ye! Hear ye!
There is to be a staff meeting for the Lord Vintner Hospital of Ralinwood this Saturday morning (September 13) at noon, in the covered area outside the tavern. The state of the hospital and any new developments since July shall be discussed, and refreshments shall be made available to the staff in attendance.
Please speak with Head Physician Iris, Chief Healing Mage Sevatar, or Head of the Hospital Guard Doyly to confirm your attendance. If you are one of these people and cannot attend the meeting, please speak to Iris.
Cried for
Iris Emberlain
Head Physician
I'm also told there will be story time in the afternoon by Muninn the merciful. More to come!"