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Full Version: Ralinwood is in danger 02.09.14
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A goblin played by Matty

Muninn and Mylene McKracken walk with urgency from camp to camp gathering representatives.
Please let me know who is heading my call as the matter is desperately urgent.
*Sven can be seen accompanying the two Einher*
Callum joins in behind Sven assisting in the rally.
*Ellewen can be seen mulling about in town near the tavern. She notices the large gathering and wanders over*

Everything ok? You all look a bit frazzled.
*Ludvic joins them. He rings his bell and takes over the gathering with some Hear ye's*

Hear ye, Hear ye, There is a matter of great importance. Please gather to listen!
*Ellewen plugs her ears at the bell is very loud and unplugs when he stops*

A goblin played by Matty

I'm actually very grateful for the help Ludvic . However this particular meeting needs to be more discreet.

I am glad you're here! No one gets a message out as well as you do!
*brennus walks up beside ellewen*
Aminata is asleep in stormvale do you think I should go wake her? Or can you and I handle this?

A goblin played by Matty

Don't wake her, I'll talk to ellewen and she can tell Aminata after.
*brennus nods to muninn*
I don't mean to offend but I was speaking to ellewen. And I should very much like to hear what's to be said if thats all right?
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