Muninn and Mylene McKracken walk with urgency from camp to camp gathering representatives.
Please let me know who is heading my call as the matter is desperately urgent.
*Sven can be seen accompanying the two Einher*
Callum joins in behind Sven assisting in the rally.
*Ellewen can be seen mulling about in town near the tavern. She notices the large gathering and wanders over*
Everything ok? You all look a bit frazzled.
*Ludvic joins them. He rings his bell and takes over the gathering with some Hear ye's*
Hear ye, Hear ye, There is a matter of great importance. Please gather to listen!
*Ellewen plugs her ears at the bell is very loud and unplugs when he stops*
I'm actually very grateful for the help Ludvic . However this particular meeting needs to be more discreet.
I am glad you're here! No one gets a message out as well as you do!
*brennus walks up beside ellewen*
Aminata is asleep in stormvale do you think I should go wake her? Or can you and I handle this?
Don't wake her, I'll talk to ellewen and she can tell Aminata after.
*brennus nods to muninn*
I don't mean to offend but I was speaking to ellewen. And I should very much like to hear what's to be said if thats all right?