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Full Version: Through the Portal (Sep 2nd, 10am)
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*The portal lights up and an avian is led out by a man in a robe. The robed man steps back inside and the portal closes.*
*The avian looks around getting his bearings and starts walking into town. He is overburdened by an oversized canvas backpack, and a bulging shoulderbag.*
*Aminata is in town near the tavern, and she walks over to him when she sees him*

"Good sir, I don't have much strength, but can I offer you some assistance?"
*The avian smiles at Aminata.*
"That would be much appreciated."
*The avian passes the heavy shoulder bag to Aminata.*
"I was told I would find space for the library in the noble pavilion. Luckily you can show me the way there."
"Your name?"

A goblin played by Matty

*Muninn is in the town square discussing something with a group of allies when his interest is piqued, he excitedly comes over*
Library ,you say?
"Oh yes! I am a librarian by trade you see, and I have been tasked with providing a library for the sprouting settlement."
*He adjusts the weight of his backpack as he follows Aminata.*
"I brought all the books I could carry."

A goblin played by Matty

Here , let me carry that for you. What kind of books do you have?*said excitedly*
*Aminata also looks excited at the thought of books. She starts walking towards the pavillions, being careful to ensure that the Avian and Muininn don't fall behind"

"My name is Aminata by the way. A pleasure to meet you. And your name?"
*walks up to the avian* hello
*Sven runs up to Muninn, patting him on the back he looks to the newcomer*
"Who iz zis?"

A goblin played by Matty

This man is a librarian, its great news he's decided to come to ralinwood. I didn't catch your name though ,librarian.
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