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Full Version: Thresholds
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Although it breaks my heart to contradict one of my favourite players, I must mention that Massive damage does not bypass a magic threshold.
That's okay Brian, I was actually quoting someone, so you aren't contradicting ME. Smile

Yes, per the rulebook, massive doesn't bypass magic thresholds. Although the original point that was it is similar to magic in terms of thresholds (bypassing any Normal and Silver). It is unclear how it interacts with magic thresholds and apparently that is something they will work on in off-season.

For reference:
Massive: This represents huge unblockable blows, falling damage and siege weapons. It does damage to both HP and Armour Points simultaneously, cannot be protected against with Battle Magic spells and ignores all thresholds except Magic and Arcane ones. It also may not be blocked with boffer weapons or shields. It may be resisted by ritual magic or racial abilities.
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