Father Meer
*Father Meer enters town center from the direction of the noble's pavilions. He begins to make his way toward Storm Vale. As he moves he calls out for Ludvic.
"Ludvic I require your services."
Kallus Greybane
*Kallus the carnal fae steps out from the large path. He looks around for the sound of the voice.*
"Is that Sebastian that I hear? I should have known you would slither here."
*Kallus rubs the edge of his face scar grimacing.*
Father Meer
*Father Meer gives Kallus a thorough look over.
"Ah, Kallus I didn't recognize your voice, you sound much different than when we last met.
*Father Meer runs his hand down the side of his jaw.
"but I would recognize the smell anywhere. You reek of faith."
Kallus Greybane
*Kallus' eyes narrow as he steps closer.*
"I would show you the true Light of my faith, but as you know we must follow our prior agreements. You're not aging well human. We shoud finish our business before you expire like old milk."
*Kallus gives a short and harsh laugh.*
Father Meer
"I agree, the time for pleasantries is passed. You speak of business? What problem would you have me solve for you this time?
"I have no need for your type. I owe you my thanks in truth. Everytime I look in a mirror I remember only the faithful can be trusted."
*Vali drinking near by shouts* "Hurry up and fight yea bums!"
Sevatar watches silently from a short distance away. His jaw drops slightly upon hearing Vali encourage them, but soon closes.
*is in the bushes by Storm Vale and watches the back and forth between the two*
Callum watches from a near path, after observing the confrontation he calls out "Ye should act like real men if ye got a problem, Armor off fists up. Last man standin be right. Otherwise ye should let it go, enough problems in these lands, don't need to be hostile to each other."