Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Looking for a Long Sword (TS July 16, 5:30 PM)
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*Shadolas wanders down the path from Storm Vale*

"I am looking for anyone who might know where I can purchase a long sword."
*cough* "Leon" *cough*
*says Leon sitting outside his tent*
"Sorry Leon, I didn't see you there. My weapons were stolen from me some time ago and I'm looking to acquire a long sword."
"That story i know as i lent you a sword for the battle on the beach. Now i don't normally know wilder to deal in coin. Perhaps we can work out a deal that works for the both of us."
"Of course, thank you again for lending me your weapon. As to the deal, what did you have in mind?"
*Shadolas looks at Leon thoughtfully*

"Still deciding what you'd like for a long sword?"