*Brennus waits quietly in town centre as the sun gets low in the sky. He leans lightly on a silver staff he appears to be waiting for someone or something*
You seem caught up in mindful anticipation. What are you waiting for?
*brennus nods to muninn*
Its the night of the full moon my friend i'm waiting to see if anyone is willing to help me protect ralinwood from werewolves.
We've fought alongside each other before and I'd be honored to do it again.
*wanders threw town center with her bow knocked with a silver arrow casually. She gives them a little wave* Happy hunting *She then goes into the tavern for some chocolate before leaving. Heading off down the path to Emerald camp.*
(That moment you press "post reply" and see all your typos. *flips desk*)
Where is everyone getting the silvered weaponry??
Well you are obviously a very skilled blacksmith. Maybe we'll have to do some trading sometime !
If I survive this night I will be happy to. *Disappears off into the darkness*
You could always travel in a group zahra!
*brennus calls after her*
I'll even share some water!