Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Looking for my brothers...have u seen them?
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A tired Maeven walks into town after what feels like an Eternity...he seems to b looking around as if searching for someone...occasionally talking to the ground just to his left...seeing this common folk tend to avoid him...he does attempt to ask them if they have seen his brothers...sadly they run off.

A goblin played by Matty

*Leads Maeven to the tavern *
Let's get some breakfast and you can tell me of your journey!
Its so good to see you alive brother!!! So much so i will let u buy me breakfast!!
*As they walk into the tavern they see Vali slumped over a table knocked out*
*Entering the tavern is a strong built man of the Einish decent carrying a big sword* Maeven! There you are brother; I see you found Muninn and the tavern. How was your journey to Ralinwood?
Little brother!!! It is good to see u as well! *walks towards table with the slumping man* Munin was just buying breakfast come join us Baruk...*nudges the slumped man* and a coffee for the fellow Einher...What is the word about Callum? *sits at the table...looks to his left* You have lead me to my brothers Kimba as you said u would.*nothing is there for the others to see* Come!!! Let us eat you tell me what has happened at home then i shall tell you of my journey!!!
*Vali looks up from his nap at the new comer* "Who are you friend? and where is my flak?" *Vali feels around his person trying to find his flask*
I am Maeven and if you have not met these two they are my brothers Baruk and Muninn. I havent seen your "flak" sir...but my brothers and i will quest with you to find it if you join us to find my other brother Callum.*puts out arm to shake hands*
*Vali reaches one arm to shake hands as he does so he feels around the floor with his feet and hits his flask* "Found it!"
What is your name stumbling one? *Looking at the drunk one*
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