Callum can be seen venturing from farm to farm asking locals if they know where to find Carlton McCale. He can be heard occasionally muttering under his breath "Go look for the lad Callum, It will be fun Callum. This is what I get for making fun of me brother's books".
*From on top of a hey bale Vali falls into Callum's path*
"Much better then falling out of a tree eh Callum."
"Vali, Lad. Is there anywhere ye wont drink?" Callum exclaims picking his drunken friend up. "I be lookin for Carlton McCale's farm, Have ye happen to have had ye drink there and could lead the way."
"I've had drink most where Callum!, just not there or over there, or there"
*Vali starts pointing in random directions*
Callum pauses for a moment and replies with "Vali lad.. Maybe ye should take a walk with me. Might not be safe for ye out in these parts. Why don't ye help me find this farmer".
"Aye why not"
*Vali takes out his flask and tries to take a drink but nothing comes out*
"oh now i remember why i went to sleep"
Callum takes a small flask out of his jacket and hands it to Vali. "Ye gave me this last night lad, ye have it. Lets go".
The farms that are being established right now are still in the early stages. There are farmers hard at work clearing land, and preparing fields, but it looks like there is a lot left to do before they have their production in full swing. In the area you do see a few hunter's lodges, and can often smell fish cooking over fires.
Once Callum asks around for a bit he's directed to a small house on the farmland closest to where the adventurers have set up camp.
(You can send me an email at to visit McCale.)