Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Crying about a non green trapsmith TS 07-03 9pm
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*Ludvic wonders town proper with the following message*

Hear ye Hear ye. I have a message here from one of the local hunters. He is looking for real trapsmiths not to be confused with our green friend trap. His message is as follows.

I have not met many of you in person, but you've been eating up every catch I put up for sale so I figure there must be a whole army of you working for the nobles. My name is Joseph Salt, I'm one of the hunters.

A few of my traps have been destroyed recently. Looks like some big nasty, can chew through the metal with acid. I can't say I've seen anything like it in the mainland.

If there's any skilled trap smiths in town I would like to replace my damaged ones.

Unfortunately he doesn't say where he can be found. If you are a trapsmith by profession either write your name on the post or let me know and I'll write it for you. If you list the camp he should be able to find you more readily.