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Full Version: Crying about the Hospital TS 06-16 3:30pm
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*Ludvic marches around town proper shouting the following message.*
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Townsfolk of Ralinwood,

The Lord Vintner Hospital of Ralinwood, overseen by Iris Emberlain and supported by Lord Eldridge Vintner of the settlement, is currently recruiting any physicians and casters of healing and nature magics. Smiths who can tend to the town's Gargylen population are also welcome, and will be working with Leon, chief doctor of Gargylen, in that capacity. It is not required that you be oathsworn to Lord Vintner to volunteer your services, or receive care in turn.

Though the Lord Vintner Hospital of Ralinwood is here for your benefit, they require protection and aid to continue to serve the town. Those wishing to assist in the defense of Hospital staff during combative encounters should seek out the Gargylen Doyly for details. Those wishing to donate to the Hospital stores or coffers may see Iris Emberlain.

I would like to personally remind all of you that during the culling of murkers, many of you would have perished if not for their good work. If you wish to stay in their good graces, I recommend considering a donation.

Thank you to those who have already supported the Hospital with coin, material, sweat, and blood.

~ Penned by Levi Martens, Emerald Company, on behalf of Iris Emberlain, Head Physician.
*walks over to Ludvic, holding his spear akwardly*
"Hi I'm smaller"
*holds out his hand*
"I dont got much but I have plenty more sweat and blood if the hospital needs it*
*takes his spear and cuts his hand (self mute 1 body) then holds it out to Ludvic*
"Dar you go" *smiles*
*Ludvic gives a strange look that turns to horrified when he see's him cut himself. He waves his hands in an attempt to stop him but is too late.*
"Eh er" *He grabs you by the wrist and starts to run* "To the hospital. They can practice! IRIS!"
*Iris comes running out of the trees at the sound of her name, clutching her doctor's bag and trying to hold her hat on her head*

"Someone's dying? Someone's injured? I'm here to help! Who's hurt?"
Hey Trap! You need to teach your kin not to be so stupid!

*Called from in front of Leon's tent*
"I not stupid just try to help hopsital" *said at the tent*
*To Iris*
"Sum blood to help da hopsital, dis guy sed you were needed donations" *points to Ludvic*
*Iris look perplexed by Smaller's bloody hand, but only for a moment. She rummages in her bag until she finds a vial and a bandage.*

"You want to donate your blood? Sure! Let me just get a vial."

*Iris carefully bottles the blood dripping from Smaller's hand, then corks the vial. She then puts the vial in her purse, and begins to bandage Smaller's hand (first aid, physician)*

"So, has anybody ever talked to you about making deals with True Fae? It's a bad idea, okay? Don't do it. But if you'd like to work for the hospital, I'm sure we can arrange something. How would you feel about donating more blood in the future? I'm working on learning how to extract poison from the body, and future donations could be very helpful with that."
*Ludvic's facial expressions change several times from shock, horror, confusion. He is speechless.*
*Slower wanders over with a grin on his face*
"Yu shure yu wan hiz blod? ting we eat kill most hew man. I hear to halp with place of helth, can maek baerries that taste good, make stronger."
"Ya I give sweat too"
*halfway interrupting the bandaging, smaller begins jumping up and down and waving his arms*
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