Off the shore a small sloop anchors. A row boat departs from the ship and after sometime reaches the dock. A young Einher can be seen stepping onto the dock from the row boat.
The soft 'scuff-scuff-scuff' of booted feet approaching through the sand on the shore can be heard, and a few seconds later a shape loomed in the darkness. The woman, for it was she, had black skin, with thin, spidery gold veins picked out along the edges of her face, and disappearing down along her neck and up into her hairline.
She paused before heading back up along the dock from her patrol, not going to great lengths to remain quiet--she didn't want to startle the newcomer.
Silv stopped at the end of the dock, and stared back at the Einher in silence for a few moments. "Bit late to come ashore," she commented dryly "Not much open for you but the tavern, I'm afraid. It's just up the hill." She gestured at the softly lit building with the flight of the arrow she'd just taken off her bow. Sliding it back into her quiver, she gave him a friendly little salute-like wave, and turn to head up the hill herself.
The Einher man takes a moment to tie the row boat to the dock and then proceeds to catch up at a brisk pace. "A tavern sounds great right about now, rough waters delayed our trip till now. Me names Callum by the way. May I be so inclined to ask yours lass?" Callum says upon catching up.
She isn't walking particularly fast, more of a wandering saunter. "I'm Silv," she answered after a moment "I hope the rest of your party is well...the area hasn't been particularly calm lately. Murkers are out and about in force, not to mention other nonsense."
"Aye they should be fine, Most of me house is on that ship" He says tapping a family bracer on his right arm. "We be looking to set up a camp site somewhere to settle down and survey the area. The rest of my family decided to stay on the ship but I couldn't. There's something about the moon that calls to me so I came ashore instead of sleeping another cramped night. They should be making their own landing in a few days time."
*Vali attracted by the sight if a new boat making shore comes down from the tavern to see the newcomer*
"Oi Ralinwood be looking more like home now! Come have a drink friend!"
*Vali produces a flask*
Silv chuckled. "Well, I wish you well in seeking out a site. Be careful, some of the locals are very defensive of the area...wild elves and wood fae, mostly, from what I've seen." She gave him a light pat on the arm. "I think Vali, here, is well equipped to welcome you. I've somewhere to be."
The darkling offered a slight bow of her head, and then headed for one of the paths into the trees.
"Aye! ye can never be around enough of ye own kind." Callum replies extending his hand. "and It would be quite rude of me to turn down a drink from a fellow kinsmen. It would be rather rude to not include this kind lass who greeted me too though, perhaps the three of us can find a spot to share a drink somewhere? Me names Callum by the way."
Silv paused, considering the idea for a moment before nodding and turning back to them. "A drink, then. Sleep can wait a bit longer for me." She came back, closer again, her arms folded casually, having slung her bow over a shoulder.
"Glad to hear it Silv." Callum says enthusiastically. "I shall follow your lead then since I have no real idea of the lands around the dock. speaking of sleep though would either of you happen to know a safer spot to rest? I was planning on resting under a secluded tree somewhere but you have said these lands can be rather hostile."