*A hooded figure walks slowly through town. If she sees Baltasar or Levi she approaches thrn quietly*
*can be seen near the tavern*
*Levi is standing at the message board, making notes in a book. When he notices the figure approach he folds in a bookmark, closes the book, and turns to face it, waiting for any sort of reaction.*
*She walks up to Levi and pulls down her hood.*
"I was wondering where you were. I was hoping to speak with you and the Ice Elf..."
*looks around and sees him, then smiles slightly and turns back to Levi*
"If you have a moment for me."
"Of course. Always happy to chat. Shall we head to the tavern, or is this a matter for somewhere more private?"
*Smiles a little more*
"No no, we can speak in the tavern now. It may be easier, considering who might be there."
((I'll start a thread over there then.))